Checklist Of What You Will Receive

By The End Of This 5 Week Course You Will Have MASTERED Finding Sub30k Markets And Vetting Homes Expertly

  • Wlecome Each New Meeting By Honoring Our Ancestors With A Brief Welcome And Gratitude Prayer

  • Combine Law Of Attraction Before Each Coaching Sessions - Group Visualzations, Affirmation Writing, Developing Clear Intuitive Instructions, Scripting, Gratitude and Removing Poverty Mindset

  • Full Access To Sub30k Rental Income System and Investing Out Of State Training

  • By The End, You WIll Be AN Expert In Finding Low Cost property Markets ANYWHERE in the US - great for new investors!

  • 5 Week Course Is Short, Quick, But POWERFUL

  • 5 LIVE LOA And Group Coaching Sessions (90 Min Each!)

  • Start August 10th, 2021 and runs through September 14th

  • Ongoing Support Available to Ease Investment Strategy