Course Description

Founder, Affordable Real-Estate Investment

Lisa Phillips

HI, I'M LISA!HERE'S WHY I CREATED THE SMART BUY AND HOLD COMPANION COURSEIf you've already picked up my book, thank you! If you stumbled upon this page without getting the book first, I highly recommend you get it here on Amazon Kindle (or here to get a free PDF copy) to make sense of all the material here in this free companion course.Four years ago, I quit job to focus on building a fortune via real estate investments. Though it was the best decision I ever made, it was quite the experience as the information out there wasn't for a low-middle income earner like myself. I stumbled blindly along my journey and lost my first house to a foreclosure during the recession. Still, I persisted, I needed financial independence more than life itself. The invaluable experience I amassed along the way enabled me acquire series of rental properties on my terms, without going bankrupt! My MotivationI realized people needed the knowledge I had gained, so I created real and practical courses to equip all who seek financial freedom with my proven systems. So far, we have empowered over 500 investors. My courses are practical, with step by step guidance to acquiring rental properties under 12 months. Many have acquired their first investment as early as 4 months into the program. I have found that success hinges on the readiness, determination and tenacity of the investor. My lasting word as you begin this journey is this, never ever give up. Your dreams of financial freedom is within reach. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Investing Out Of State - Fundamentals

    • Copyright Disclaimer (Please Read)

    • Affiliate

    • Investing Out Of State - The Foundation

  • 2

    Investing Out Of State - Advanced

    • Finding a Long Distance Market - Driving

    • Finding a Long Distance Market - Planes and Trains

    • Managing Long Distance Rentals - Before Closing And After Closing

  • 3

    Demonstration - Finding Out Of State Markets

    • This is the systematic process for finding these out of state market locations

    • Market Search Excel Tracker

  • $300.00

    $300.00Sub30k Live Special - Rental Income System, Investing Out Of State and More!

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  • $700.00

    $700.00Sub30k Standalone Training

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  • $1,497.00

    $1,497.00Sub30k VIP Intensive Sessions And Roadmap

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  • $3,497.00

    $3,497.008 Week Group Coaching

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Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.